Orodja za spletno pretvorbo XhCode

Spletno orodje za preverjanje regularnega izraza

1,Implementirajte spletne regularne izraze po meri za ekstrahiranje besedilne vsebine
2,Preverite kateri koli regularni izraz

Kaj točno je regularni izraz?

Pri pisanju programov ali spletnih strani, ki obdelujejo nize, je pogosto treba najti nize, ki izpolnjujejo določena kompleksna pravila. Regularni izrazi so orodja, ki se uporabljajo za opis teh pravil. Z drugimi besedami, regularni izrazi so koda, ki beleži besedilna pravila.

Common metacharacters
Code Description
. Matches any character except newline
\w Match letters or numbers or underscores
\s Matches any whitespace
\d Matching numbers
\b Match the beginning or end of a word
^ Match the beginning of a string
$ Match end of string
Common qualifiers
Code / syntax Description
* Repeat zero or more times
+ Repeat one or more times
? Repeat zero or one time
{n} Repeat n times
{n,} Repeat n or more times
{n,m} Repeat n to m times
Common antonyms
Code / syntax Description
\W Matches any characters that are not letters, numbers, underscores, or Chinese characters
\S Matches any character that is not a space character
\D Matches any non-digit character
\B Matches where the word is not beginning or ending
[^x] Matches any character except x
[^aeiou] Matches any character except the letters aeiou