This tool can confuse JS code and protect the JS code.
If it doesn't work after confusion, use JS compressionUse later
First JS encryption Obfuscated encryption will be better
JavaScript Obfuscation and Encryption are techniques used to make the JavaScript code harder to understand, read, or reverse-engineer. Obfuscation is typically used to protect code from theft or tampering, while encryption is used to convert code into a secure format that is only reversible by authorized users.
What is JavaScript Obfuscation?
Obfuscation refers to the practice of transforming JavaScript code into a version that is difficult for humans to read and understand, but still functional for the browser or server.
The goal of obfuscation is to make it harder for someone to reverse-engineer or modify the code. This is done by renaming variables and functions to short, meaningless names, removing whitespace and comments, and changing code structure in ways that preserve functionality but obscure the intent.
What is JavaScript Encryption?
Encryption, in the context of JavaScript, typically refers to converting code or data into an unreadable format that can only be decrypted back to its original form using a secret key or algorithm.
JavaScript encryption is more focused on securing sensitive data within the code, while obfuscation is about making the code itself harder to reverse-engineer.
Obfuscation vs Encryption
Feature Obfuscation Encryption
Purpose Make the code difficult to understand Protect sensitive data or logic from unauthorized access
Goal Protect code from reverse-engineering Secure code/data during transmission or storage
Result The code still functions but is harder to read The code/data is unreadable until decrypted
Reversibility Reversible (with effort) Reversible with the correct key/algorithm
Use Case Code protection, preventing tampering Data confidentiality and integrity
JavaScript Obfuscation Techniques
Renaming Variables and Functions: This is the primary method of obfuscation. Meaningful variable and function names are replaced with short, meaningless names.
String Encoding: Strings are encoded in a way that they aren't directly visible in the code.
Control Flow Obfuscation: This changes the flow of the program without changing its logic, making it more difficult to follow.
Dead Code Insertion: Adds non-functional code that serves no purpose except to confuse the reader.
Removing Whitespace and Comments: Removes all comments, line breaks, and indentation to make the code more difficult to read.