XhCode Online Converter Tools

Decimal to Octal

Enter the Decimal number to decode

Size : 0 , 0 Characters

The number in Octal (base 8) representation:

Size : 0 , 0 Characters
Decimal to Octal

Decimal to octal conversion is the process of converting a decimal (base 10) number into its octal (base 8) equivalent. In octal, numbers are represented using digits from 0 to 7.

Steps to Convert a Decimal Number to Octal:
Divide the decimal number by 8.
Record the remainder (it will be between 0 and 7).
Divide the quotient (the result of the division) by 8 again.
Repeat the process until the quotient becomes 0.
The octal equivalent is the remainder in reverse order.
Convert decimal 35 to octal:

35 ÷ 8 = 4 remainder 3
4 ÷ 8 = 0 remainder 4 (stop when the quotient is 0)
Now, take the remainders in reverse order: 43.

So, 35 in decimal is 43 in octal.