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Online Css Code Formatting Compression Tool (Supports Css Common Compression and Css Advanced Compression)-Why Css Compression?

1. Compressing the Css code can greatly reduce the size of the webpage and speed up the loading of the webpage
2. Js / Css file is large, users need to download Js / Css for a long time when accessing the site will feel slow, and some even because the Css file caused the page to open initially messy.
3. We can't change the user's network status. Only our website uses faster bandwidth or stronger server, which makes users feel fast when they visit us.
Css Code Formatting

CSS code formatting refers to the practice of writing and organizing CSS code in a way that makes it readable, maintainable, and consistent. Well-formatted CSS helps developers work more efficiently, debug easier, and ensure that the code is scalable and understandable by others.

CSS Code Formatting Best Practices
Indentation: Use consistent indentation to make the hierarchy of rules clear. Typically, 2 or 4 spaces are used for indentation (avoid tabs).
Selector Organization: Group similar CSS selectors together to maintain logical structure.
Whitespace and Line Breaks: Use whitespace and line breaks to separate distinct blocks of code.
Consistent Naming Conventions: Use a consistent naming convention for classes, IDs, and variables (e.g., BEM, CamelCase, snake_case).
Property Order: Follow a consistent order for properties, such as alphabetical or grouped by related properties (e.g., position, box model, typography, etc.).
Avoiding !important: Try to avoid using !important in your styles unless absolutely necessary, as it can make debugging more difficult.