Image Steganography is the practice of hiding information (usually text or another image) within an image in such a way that it is not visible to the human eye, but can still be extracted by the intended recipient. The hidden data is embedded within the image's pixel values in a manner that minimally alters the visual appearance of the image.
How Image Steganography Works:
Embedding Process: The secret data (e.g., text) is converted into a binary format and embedded into the image. This is usually done by modifying the least significant bits (LSB) of the image's pixels. The LSB is the part of the pixel that has the least impact on the image's color, so changing it slightly does not noticeably alter the image.
Extracting Process: The recipient, knowing the method used to hide the data, can extract the hidden message from the image by reading the LSB of the image's pixels.
Example Methods of Image Steganography:
Least Significant Bit (LSB) Encoding: This is one of the most common techniques where the secret message is hidden in the least significant bit of the image pixels. The LSB has minimal impact on the image and is less noticeable.
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT): Hides the secret data in the frequency domain (mainly used in JPEG images).
Masking and Filtering: Embeds data by slightly altering certain areas of the image (used in more advanced techniques).
Python Implementation for Image Steganography Using LSB:
Steps to hide text inside an image:
Convert the text to binary: The text message is converted into binary, since the binary digits are the ones that will be embedded into the image.
Modify the least significant bit of each pixel: The LSB of the image pixels is changed to represent the binary values of the message.
Save the modified image: The image is saved with the hidden data.
Here's a simple Python example of how you can hide and extract text using the LSB method. We will use the PIL (Python Imaging Library) library to handle the image manipulation and numpy for working with pixel data.
Python Code for Hiding and Extracting Text in an Image (Steganography)
1. Hiding Text Inside an Image (Encoding)
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def text_to_bin(text):
"""Convert text to binary."""
return ''.join(format(ord(c), '08b') for c in text)
def encode_image(image_path, message, output_path):
"""Hide a message inside an image."""
# Open image and convert to RGB
image =
image = image.convert('RGB')
# Convert message to binary
binary_message = text_to_bin(message) + '1111111111111110' # Adding a delimiter to mark the end of the message
# Get the image's pixels
pixels = np.array(image)
data_index = 0
for row in range(pixels.shape[0]):
for col in range(pixels.shape[1]):
pixel = list(pixels[row, col])
# Modify the LSB of each color channel (R, G, B)
for i in range(3): # R, G, B channels
if data_index < len(binary_message):
pixel[i] = pixel[i] & ~1 | int(binary_message[data_index]) # Modify LSB
data_index += 1
pixels[row, col] = tuple(pixel)
if data_index >= len(binary_message):
# Save the modified image
encoded_image = Image.fromarray(pixels)
# Example usage
image_path = "original_image.png"
message = "This is a secret message!"
output_path = "encoded_image.png"
encode_image(image_path, message, output_path)
print("Message successfully encoded into image!")
2. Extracting Text from the Image (Decoding)
def bin_to_text(binary_str):
"""Convert binary to text."""
text = ''
for i in range(0, len(binary_str), 8):
byte = binary_str[i:i+8]
text += chr(int(byte, 2))
return text
def decode_image(image_path):
"""Extract the hidden message from an image."""
# Open the image
image =
image = image.convert('RGB')
# Convert image pixels to numpy array
pixels = np.array(image)
binary_message = ''
for row in range(pixels.shape[0]):
for col in range(pixels.shape[1]):
pixel = pixels[row, col]
# Extract the LSB of each color channel (R, G, B)
for i in range(3): # R, G, B channels
binary_message += str(pixel[i] & 1) # Extract LSB
# Find the delimiter and cut off the binary message after that
delimiter = '1111111111111110'
binary_message = binary_message[:binary_message.find(delimiter)]
# Convert binary message to text
return bin_to_text(binary_message)
# Example usage
encoded_image_path = "encoded_image.png"
decoded_message = decode_image(encoded_image_path)
print("Decoded message:", decoded_message)
Explanation of the Code:
text_to_bin(): Converts the text message into a binary string (8-bit binary for each character).
Converts the image into RGB mode and retrieves the pixel values.
Modifies the least significant bit (LSB) of each color channel (Red, Green, Blue) to store the binary message.
Saves the modified image with the hidden message.
Reads the LSB of each pixel's RGB channels to reconstruct the binary message.
The binary message is then converted back into text.
Stops reading when it finds a delimiter ('1111111111111110').
Example Use Case:
Encoding: You have an image original_image.png and a secret message "This is a secret message!". After running the encode_image() function, the message is embedded into the image, and the resulting image is saved as encoded_image.png.
Decoding: You can then run the decode_image() function on encoded_image.png to retrieve the original message: "This is a secret message!".
Image Quality: The changes to the LSB are generally invisible to the human eye, but they do slightly alter the image. If too much data is hidden, the image may become visibly distorted.
Capacity: The capacity for hiding data depends on the image resolution and color depth. The larger the image, the more data can be hidden.
Security: Basic LSB encoding is not very secure since anyone can extract the message if they know the method. More advanced techniques, such as encryption of the hidden message or the use of more sophisticated steganography algorithms, can improve security.
Practical Applications of Image Steganography:
Confidential Communication: Sending hidden messages in public or otherwise insecure channels.
Watermarking: Embedding copyright or ownership information in images.
Covert Communication: For example, hiding information in images shared via social media.
Digital Forensics: Analyzing images to detect hidden information.