XhCode Online Converter Tools

.htaccess secure directory

Title for auth prompt

Location of .htpasswd

Enter corresponding URLs of your site. Leave empty for none.

404 - Not Found

403 - Forbidden

500 - Internal Server Error

401 - Unauthorized

Alowed domains. One per line, without http:// and www.

Some firewalls and antiviruses delete user referer information sent by browser. If you will disallow blank referers, some visitors will be blocked on your site. It is recommended to allow it.

Extensions to protect. Space separated, without dot, leave empty for all.

Blocked domains/hitbots. One per line, leave empty for none.

Redirect blocked hits to this URL. Leave empty for none

Blocked IP. One per line, leave empty for none.

Fill URL fields for needed languages. Leave the field empty for none.

Fill URL fields for needed device types. Leave the field empty for none.

on this domain