XhCode Online Converter Tools

String to Hex (Text to Hex)

Enter the text to encode to hex

Size : 0 , 0 Characters

The encoded string:

Size : 0 , 0 Characters

String to Hex Converter Text to Hex
To convert a string or text to hexadecimal manually, each character in the string is translated into its ASCII (or Unicode) hexadecimal equivalent. Here's how you can do it: Steps for String to Hex Conversion: Write the string you want to convert (e.g., "Hello"). Find the ASCII code for each character. Convert each ASCII value into its hexadecimal representation. Example: Input Text: "Hello" Character 'H': ASCII value is 72 in decimal, which is 48 in hexadecimal. Character 'e': ASCII value is 101 in decimal, which is 65 in hexadecimal. Character 'l': ASCII value is 108 in decimal, which is 6C in hexadecimal. Character 'l': Same as the previous, so it's 6C in hexadecimal. Character 'o': ASCII value is 111 in decimal, which is 6F in hexadecimal. Output in Hexadecimal: 48 65 6C 6C 6F