XhCode Online Converter Tools

TSV To HTML Table Converter

Enter csv here:

Converting TSV (Tab-Separated Values) to an HTML Table is a useful task when you want to display tabular data on a webpage or share it in an easily readable format for online applications. HTML tables provide a structured and visually accessible way to display rows and columns of data.

Why Convert TSV to HTML Table?
✅ Web Display: HTML tables are widely used for displaying data on web pages.
✅ Human-Readable: HTML tables are easy to read and can be styled with CSS for better presentation.
✅ Structured Format: HTML tables are a standard way of organizing data in rows and columns for web applications.

Example of TSV to HTML Table Conversion:
TSV Input:


name age city
Alice 30 New York
Bob 25 Los Angeles
Charlie 35 Chicago
Converted to HTML Table:


<table border="1">
<td>New York</td>
<td>Los Angeles</td>
How to Convert TSV to HTML Table:
1. Using Python:
You can use Python to read the TSV file and convert it to an HTML table by creating the table's HTML tags.

Here's a sample Python script:


import csv

# Open the TSV file
with open('data.tsv', mode='r') as tsv_file:
tsv_reader = csv.reader(tsv_file, delimiter='\t')

# Start the HTML table
html_content = '<table border="1">\n'

# Get headers (first row)
headers = next(tsv_reader)
html_content += ' <tr>\n'
for header in headers:
html_content += f' <th>{header}</th>\n'
html_content += ' </tr>\n'

# Get the data rows
for row in tsv_reader:
html_content += ' <tr>\n'
for cell in row:
html_content += f' <td>{cell}</td>\n'
html_content += ' </tr>\n'

# End the HTML table
html_content += '</table>'

# Write to an HTML file
with open('data.html', 'w') as html_file:
How the Code Works:
Read the TSV File: It uses csv.reader with delimiter='\t' to read the TSV file.
Create HTML Table: The script generates the necessary HTML tags:
<table> starts the table.
<th> tags are used for the header row.
<td> tags are used for each data cell.
Write HTML File: Finally, the generated HTML content is saved to a file (data.html).
2. Using Online Tools:
You can also use online tools to quickly convert TSV to an HTML table:

ConvertCSV TSV to HTML Table
Simply upload your TSV file to the website, and it will generate the corresponding HTML table for you to download or copy.

When to Convert TSV to HTML Table:
When you need to display tabular data on a webpage.
When you want to embed data within an HTML document.
When you're preparing data for web-based reports or dashboards.