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Tabla de comparación de código EASCIII
Tabla de comparación en línea del código EASCII: los códigos EASCII son más extendidos que los símbolos ASCII, incluidos los símbolos de la tabla, los símbolos de cálculo, las letras griegas y los símbolos latinos especiales. Consejos: Ctrl + F Búsqueda rápida
EASCII (Extended ASCII, Extended American Standard Information Interchange Code) is formed by expanding the ASCII code from 7 to 8
EASCII internal code is composed of 256 characters from 0 to 255
EASCII codes are more extended than ASCII codes, including table symbols, calculation symbols, Greek letters, and special Latin symbols.
ISO / IEC 8859 is the most common 8-bit character encoding. In addition, different operating systems will have its 8-bit character encoding.
The symbols in the above table are the symbols included in ISO / IEC 8859-1, and are the most common symbols in the extended ASCII character set used in the World Wide Web